farmers’ market

My neighborhood’s new farmers market opened today. Who knew we needed a farmers market? But, oh, we definitely did. It was packed. Farmers were happy (though I fear we may soon run out of farmers to stock all these San Francisco farmers markets). I bought two bunches of sweet peas (for only $3/bunch). I’ve lived […]

I love pickles. When I was a kid and my dad made our school lunches, he would wrap pickle quarters with a slice of bologna and American cheese and hold everything in place with a toothpick. My brother and I would each get three of these. And in the summer, my brother and I would

I carted my red wheelie basket to the Heart of the City Farmers Market this morning to get some supplies for the week (on this week’s menu: fried squash blossoms, lots of tomatoes, and pickles). Two shy, teenage boys at the A Little Piece of Cake stand were selling red velvet cupcakes. Red velvet cupcakes

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