My Self-Employed Life

I started to write a blog post reflecting on my first year of self-employment and it somehow turned into a video blog – my first video blog ever. And seeing myself on video is kinda creeping me out.But in the spirit of just doing it, I’m posting it anyway. Bags under my eyes, streetcar passing […]

When I was in high school, a classmate – probably the smartest girl in the class – told me that she’d always wanted to learn how to play the piano. “But,” she said, “I don’t want to start off playing kiddie music. I want to be able to play Beethoven’s ‘Moonlight Sonata’ right away” I,

When I treated my art business too much like a business, it became stagnant. I churned out variations on a theme, based on work that had previously sold well. I was bored with my creations – stuck. This new work didn’t really sell. Lately, I’ve been treating my art business more like art. I think

I took on a new client a couple of weeks ago, then proceeded to freak out – how was I going to manage a new client, show prep, and vacation planning all at once? Then one of my existing clients asked me to cut back my hours during the summer, their slowest sales period. I

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