
One must never let chocolate ganache go to waste, especially when it’s been made with a huge bar of Scharffen Berger chocolate. Basak made me take a bag of extra macaron filling (yes, she practically forced it on poor, unsuspecting me). I’d thought about smearing it on bread, but that would have required making bread. […]

I spent yesterday morning with my friends Basak, Hillary, and Baby Mia baking macarons. Well, three-month-old Mia didn’t bake, but she was our team mascot. Our very cute team mascot. Now that I know how to bake macarons, I fear I will start making them all the time. You know, the same way I made

I’m usually a yogurt and granola for breakfast kind of girl, but lately I’ve been running around so much in the mornings that I want something heartier. My favorite rib-sticking – but not heavy – breakfast is cheesy polenta (or grits, depending on what I have in the house) with scrambled eggs. It’s an easy

I have a thing for sea salt. That probably makes me something of a San Francisco cliche. One day I expect to see a headline in The Onion that reads “Foodies Develop Goiters after Replacing Table Salt with Sea Salt.” In my quest to use sea salt in even more dishes, I adapted my favorite

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