
I’ve been having so much fun with the folks in my February Design, Carve, Print class. You can check out their work by searching for #designcarveprint on Instagram. Since so many of you have asked when I’ll run the class again, I decided to accelerate my schedule a bit, and re-run the class in May. […]

For the past few months, I’ve been teaching in-person block printing classes to everyone from people who didn’t think they were creative, to independent artists, and to textile design teams at some of the largest clothing designers in the US. I’m regularly asked to teach in different cities, but can’t easily travel all around the

I’m teaching two more classes in the Bay Area this year, before taking a break so I can focus on holiday sales and shows. My last two Bay Area classes for 2014 are: Handcraft Studio School in Emeryville, September 6th (register here) Yonder Shop in Pacifica, September 13th (register here) Are you on the fence

For a brief period when I was in high school, I wanted to become a teacher. A math teacher. At a Catholic school (I was a Catholic school girl myself). I had incredible teachers who made me love subjects like calculus and physics. I thought that I might follow their lead, and become the kind

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