At the end of each month, I invoice all my clients and schedule payments for all my bills. This month, my invoices were smaller and my bills were higher than I’d planned when I set my budget at the beginning of the year. This is all because of Jake’s unexpected illness. I changed my schedule […]

Sometimes designs look amazing in my head, translate nicely into a sketch, but then don’t make sense when I print them on fabric and/or sew them into a bag. I have a general idea of what works, but it’s not until I actually get out my squeegee and ink and start printing that I’m proven

I have more requests for my consulting time than I can (or want to) handle, so I turn down projects and potential clients. Some friends and clients have suggested I hire an assistant to take on parts of my work, but I regularly refuse. I didn’t get into consulting to manage people. I know how

I was printing this weekend when a thought popped into my head: “This is all going to happen.” I’m going to finalize prints. I’m going to find the perfect, local manufacturer. My Kickstarter project (when I get that up) is going to be funded. These bags are going to sell. Being an artist, a textile

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