
Continuing on my home entertaining theme – homemade placemats! I used some fabric leftover from my bedroom curtains (really should post photos of that soon) and this fall-ish cotton from Peapod to create reversible placemats. I think I’m keeping this set, but since they’re so easy to make, I’ll be creating a few more for […]

I’ve been stuck at home, sick, today. Boo. But I felt well enough to work on these coasters. The color combo may be a little too Mary Englebreit for me, but the batch looks nice when tied with a green ribbon. Yup, another present to throw into the Christmas pile. I think I’m going to

I joked to my friend Steph last night (after revealing that I planned to sew a few coasters) that I’m creating items for my hope chest. It seems only appropriate that I think about hope chests – September and October are big months in San Francisco for weddings, and I’ve spent the last three weekends

You may have noticed that when I discover I like making a certain item, I tend to make variations of that same item over and over again (for example, bird mobiles, handkerchiefs, totebags, iPhone covers). I eventually get tired of the item – or else run out of a particular fabric – and move on

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