
I finished both blankets I was commissioned to make. I’ll ship them off tomorrow. And my sewing machine wasn’t broken. I was just using the wrong type of thread. Bah. It cost me $69.50 to find out that my thread was too heavy. At least I’m doing my part to stimulate the economy.

“Oh my god,” you’re probably thinking to yourself, “will she ever stop with the birds?” Well, possibly. Or maybe not. I was commissioned to make two baby blankets and three bird mobiles for a friend who has to attend many baby showers this spring. This blanket is for an already-born baby boy; he has bright

If your initials are “HTM,” stop reading. Okay, now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, here’s yet another bird mobile, this time done in pink and green and brown for a soon-to-be-born baby girl. And, using that same fabric, I sewed some bunting. I love bunting. I got a little carried away this

I’d bought this fabric many moons again, intending to make pillows for the living room. I did my taxes this morning – including getting together documentation to prove to the city of San Francisco that I don’t owe business taxes from 1999 (what’s up with that, San Francisco?) – and wanted an easy afternoon project.