
In the flurry of activity before Renegade, I managed to finalize my logo. It’s a silhouette of me when I haven’t cut my hair in over a month. And it’s in a cameo format (a nod to the cameo ring I wear every day). Of course, this logo meant that every other person who came […]

Renegade was so good. Like insanely good. Good as in I sold out of many prints and now must go back to the studio to print more (more on that later). And good as in I had a booth next to a door that looked out onto the Bay. A qualifying event for some sailing

Photos of my studio showed up on Apartment Therapy today. So excited! In other news, I can’t stop listening to this song. Okay, back to sewing a zillion bags for Renegade.

My mom and I had made it two days without her hurling one of her zingers at me. A zinger is the kind of offhand, but pointed, comment that moms are especially good at flinging at their adult daughters. On Day Two, while we were preparing dinner, Mom turned to me and said “Do you

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