
I’m often asked how I decide whether to block print or screenprint a particular design. There are many factors that go into this decision – and sometimes it’s just a matter of aesthetics – but one of the biggest is the number of pieces that I need to print. My current block printing set up […]

Almost exactly a year ago, I emailed Rare Device to inquire about showing my work there. Rare Device has carried my bags for years (I think that it was my first wholesale customer), but I’d never shown my fine art work there. Actually, I’d never really shown my fine art work anywhere. And, on top

  The pace and purpose of my printing have changed this year. In 2013 and 2014, I focused my printing on putting together collections printing products, but this year, I’ve mostly spent time printing fabric for my monthly garments, and for an upcoming show of my textile collages. Here are a few examples of what

Week 48: Two-color screenprint on cotton. This bag – my third quarterly collaboration with Fringe Supply Co. – will be available for purchase on Fringe’s site soon! Back to West Coast Craft prep. Will I see you there this weekend?