My Self-Employed Life

I’m a huge reader. I was the kid who read everything, including the boxes toothpaste came in and the newspaper’s TV guide. As an adult, I indulge in trashy detective novels, chick lit, “serious” literature… and personal development books. Quite a few personal development (which is really just a highbrow way of saying “self help”) […]

When I was growing up, my dad worked in factories. He’d started out pressing records at a Capitol Records plant, then moved around to – and up the ranks at – other entertainment-related companies like JVC, Warner Brothers and JBL. This was during the 70s and 80s, when manufacturing jobs were still plentiful, paid well,

I turned down the fourth potential client in as many weeks recently. It’s not easy for me to turn down work – I want to please everyone, and I could always use a little more money in my retirement fund. But I left the world of full-time work almost a year ago to create balance

I had a meeting with a potential vendor for one of my clients. The vendor and I had exchanged emails, but had never met. He suggested we meet at a café around the corner from my client before walking over to the client’s office. I got there first. The café was full of ironically-dressed hipsters,

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