
I’ve made some smart phone cases! Fine, Society6 is making them and selling them and shipping them. But I did all the artwork, so I’m claiming 98% responsibility for their creation. In addition to my fabric prints, I’ve also added a couple of cases using my collages. And I’ll probably continue to add new prints […]

Thank you to everyone who stopped by my booth at Renegade this past weekend! It was especially great to meet folks I’d previously only known through social media, and those who found me through Kickstarter. After all of that excitement, I am exhausted. I’ll be taking a break from my blog for the next few

  Hey all! My regularly-scheduled Thursday blog post is on vacation this week, as I finish up my prep for Renegade San Francisco, which is this weekend. I think this is my seventh Renegade, and I’m planning on making it my best one yet. I’ll have quite a few items that aren’t currently available in

Show prep is in full force. It’s been almost two years since my last Renegade, and I’d forgotten how much work getting ready for it is. There are so many things I want to do, so many ideas buzzing around in my head. The show is in six days, and there just isn’t enough time

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