I’m working on a new project. I’m not quite sure what design direction it’s heading in, so I’m keeping the ultimate project secret – for now. But the project will be a textile-based one. And I’ll tell you more in March once I’ve sorted the details out. It’s going to be a fun one! I’m […]
My first “Pop-up” shop of 2012 is open, and it includes my Istanbul-inspired collection, Turkish Delight. Yes, the name is totally cheesy. Sorry. Rest assured I’m owing the cheese. I promise to come up with something more original the next time around. Anyway. Aren’t the prints pretty? Are you excited that they’re finally available? Don’t
My parents have been in the process of selling their house since September. They had multiple offers immediately after the place was listed, but the ultimate sale fell through, days before my parents were scheduled to move, due to their agent’s ineptitude. So they fired their agent – the son of my mom’s sister’s friend