When Amelia showed up to one of our art group meetings wearing the perfect apron/smock, I knew I had to have one. When she told us that she’d made it herself, using just a yard of fabric and some bias tape, well, we told her she had to teach us how. You see, Amelia has […]

I’ve been selling on Etsy for five years now. When I first started, buyers magically came to me. They’d do a quick search, or one of my items would land on the front page, and voila – I had a sale! I suspect bloggers would look for content this way, too, because I would get

I’m sharing a recipe with you today. I haven’t blogged one in quite a while, but a convergence of two things – the arrival of hot weather to San Francisco and the appearance of huge bunches of mint at the farmers’ market – inspired to post a recipe for my second-favorite summer drink, which I

I was featured in the San Francisco Chronicle’s “Stylemaker Spotlight” on Sunday. I first met Anh-Minh, who wrote the piece (and who is also one of the co-founders of Anthology Magazine) in 2000, when she was working at a startup with a guy I was dating at the time. We reconnected on Twitter recently; everything