I found these old photos in a free box on the sidewalk. The same man is in all the photos, but one looks to have been taken in the Forties (judging from the woman’s hair and dress) and the others some time in the Fifties. The earlier photo is of the man and a woman […]

Back in the Eighties, my dad worked for JVC and was sent to Tokyo for management training. One of the items he brought back was a gorgeous, navy blue, Hanae Mori scarf, which was given to him for my mom by one of his Japanese colleagues. My mom explained that Hanae Mori was one of

I’m having one of THOSE weeks. You know – the ones where you’re tired and fried for no reason, where nothing seems to work. In my case, it could be due to any number of things – postponing a trip to LA, a soon-to-be new job, the long weekend and subsequent short “work” week. Weeks

I find that rearranging the furniture is the procrastination technique that yields one of the best returns. In terms of ROI, it’s second only to baking. I can’t even remember what I was procrastinating doing when I decided to move my street-found desk into the living room and move the shelves into my storage room.

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