“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Dr. Howard Thurman

We could, but what’s the fun in that?* The Bay Area is enjoying a brief break from the rain, so Jake and I went for a little hike at Fort Funston. The storms have eroded a lot of the cliffs; the usual path leading to the beach was so worn away that I had to

I’ve been nominated for a Poppy in the “affordable art” category – yay! If you’d like to vote for me (and I hope you would), please click here. What are the Poppies? Well, it’s a virtual awards ceremony of sorts celebrating the Handmade Community. I think there are prizes involved – but really, it’s an

I had a rough day yesterday and all I could think on the bus ride home was, “The only remedy for today is mandel bread.” Now, this may sound strange coming from someone who is black and Filipina. Mandel bread (or mandelbrot) is a traditional, Ashkenazi Jewish cookie made with almonds (mandel), oil, sugar and

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