It’s no secret that I love things that contain flour and butter and sugar. To me, the palmier cookie is one of the best ways you can use said ingredients (second, possibly, only to the noble croissant). So, when I was trying to come up with a name for this print – which was actually inspired by a squiggly drawing I’d done of a fig a couple of years ago – I thought immediately of a palmier. It didn’t hurt that I’d eaten one (really, just one) yesterday.
This is my most complex repeat print ever, and it may possibly be my favorite. I was so excited about them that I skipped watching my current Swedish crime drama obsession and printed different colors late into the night. I even sewed the bags this morning before I ate breakfast (and I never do anything productive before breakfast) so I could photograph and list them.
Which is my way of saying that these bags are in the shop. And now that I’ve had a productive morning, I’m going to celebrate with a cup of coffee – and perhaps a palmier or two.