The Palmer Method

I’m working on a new fabric print that was inspired by the Palmer Method. If you didn’t go to Catholic school, you were probably spared daily handwriting lessons and penmanship awards. And you were probably allowed to use White-Out and erasable pens.

My computer is broken so I haven’t been able to blog much lately. I suppose I could write out posts longhand – using my best Palmer Method cursive = and mail them to my subscribers. Hmm… there’s an idea in there somewhere.

(And I found this little video here.)

1 thought on “The Palmer Method”

  1. Jen, what a great blog you have, so inspiring in how you find prints in everyday items.

    I am recent to screen printing (started in 2008) but have yet mastered it. Still have problems coating and burning my screens. Need to see if I can find a place to do it for me.

    Look forward to what you do next.

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