
 I went to the big studio last night because printing on wood wasn’t going as smoothly as I’d hoped. Unlike paper and linen, wood is expensive. When I make a mistake on wood, I’m out a bit of money. Marsha, Grafica’s Studio Coordinator, had a one-minute fix for my problems. One minute! I printed away, […]

My green peacocky pillows look awfully pretty. They were not easy to print, but the effort has totally been worth it. Everyone “oohed” over them off at my Monday morning art group today, so I think I’m on to something. The work I’ve been doing lately is work I’ve wanted to do for a long

  I’ve wanted to print on wood for a while, but didn’t trust that I was skilled enough not to ruin an expensive piece of wood board. I took the plunge yesterday – and look at the result! I’ll print a few more panels, but each design will be available only in very limited editions.

I finished my blue peacocky flower print. It’s available in my shop. Pink and green are available, too. I’m pretty darn happy with them and am looking forward to getting frames for all three of them. My studio assistant is tired of the endless photoshoots, none of which featured him, so I’m sneaking in a

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