
A vase for my bedroom… … and one for the stairwell… … and another for my studio. I was telling a friend this weekend that I hoped my one of my neighbors would trim their plum trees so that I could have a few branches of plum blossoms. Well, yesterday a neighbor pruned his tree […]

I visited a beading store on the Peninsula this weekend. The store had a big bowl of vintage buttons, and since I’m a sucker for vintage buttons, I bought a few. They were fifty cents per gram – and how much can a button possibly weigh? Well, twenty-five ounces. I ended up spending $12.50 for

A big change happened in the world today. It’s been an emotional day for me, and I’ll write more about that later. This post, however, is about small changes. Now that I’m unemployed, I’ve had time to do small things that will make a small – but perceptible – change in my life. This week’s

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