A new project – The Fashionista’s Alphabet! I’ve been thinking about this project since 2005, and I decided it was finally time to dive into it. My first couple of paintings (yes, paintings, not prints) are done in gouache. You can see them here. More letters to come!
The design gods must have decided that chevron prints were going to be hot this year because I’ve suddenly started to see them everywhere. I’ve had a vintage, pleated chevron skirt for years and get compliments every time I wear it (including from the snobby, fashion company girls who worked upstairs from my old office).
I’ve watched Belle de Jour a few times, and I’ve never really been disturbed by its premise. That’s probably because I’m too focused on the outfits. Yves Saint Laurent designed Catherine Deneuve’s wardrobe, which is full of perfectly executed, staple clothing. If I had to wear the same, five things for the rest of my