
I’m regularly asked to teach block printing classes in other cities, but usually doing this just isn’t feasible for me once I factor in airfare, housing, and income lost from taking time away from my consulting work. So I had an idea – what if I taught an online course? So, I’m so excited to […]

A couple of weeks ago, I paid off my 2013 California State taxes. I was on an installment plan, paying monthly, but I’d gotten a nice chunk of money from teaching a private class. Since I’d already paid all my other bills for the month, I figured I’d write a check to the state. I

My creative process: feel antsy, sit down to create, make ugly work, feel blah, make more ugly work, still feel blah, keep at it, finally make something pretty good. I’m at that first “feel blah” stage. Aside from my weekly print, I haven’t spent much time in my studio the past few weeks, and I

My friends Stef and Liz are publishing a new print magazine, Mabel, all about making a living and creating a life. The first issue will be all about the different ways we support ourselves in the world, and will include stories from entrepreneurs, artists and small biz owners (includig me!) about how they’ve gotten where

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