
I haven’t been printing much (okay, at all) lately. My new job involves a 30-minute metro ride, followed by a 15-minute walk each way, so I just haven’t had much time or energy to go to the studio after work. And I miss it. I miss printing, I miss the studio. I miss the collective […]

The route to my new job takes me along this elaborately-patterned sidewalk every morning (sorry for the fuzzy photos – I took them with my phone). I’m tempted to make a textile print inspired by it, but worry that it will look too much like one of my favorite Lotta Jansdotter prints. Though now that

Jake and I were walking around Golden Gate Park yesterday, and wandered into the Bandshell area, which was being transformed into a city of stick structures by families and couples who were out enjoying the fine weather (and celebrating Valentine’s Day and the Lunar New Year). This sudden construction appeared to be completely impromptu, inspired

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Dr. Howard Thurman