
Long weekends mean uninterrupted blocks of time during which I can finish all those craft projects I’ve started over the previous weeks. So, I scavenged some branches, found some thick thread, and finally assembled my bird mobile. I know that if a certain someone is reading this post right now, she’s salivating because I’ve promised […]

My craft project for the weekend – a zippered bag with lining and appliques. The lining. I think I somehow made attaching the zipper more difficult than it needed to be. The first (unsuccessful) pattern. Exterior of the unfinished bag, just waiting for its zipper and lining. I may end up taking the Zippered Clutch

There seems to be an animal theme going on in my life right now. Dogs, horses, ducks… and now these birds (though my friend Basak saw them and thought they were dinosaurs; perhaps my sewing skills need some improvement). I think they’ll be part of this mobile project, even though I don’t know anyone who

I spent half an hour fishing pins out of the bottom of my sewing box. Surely, I thought to myself, there has to be a better way to store pins. Well, duh. That’s what pincushions are for.

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