Istanbul prints are all done. Emails to my sponsors – asking them to choose which one they’d like – have been sent. Photographs have been taken and etsy listings have been written. I’ll be re-opening my shop – with the new prints, after my sponsors have chosen which they want – soon. 2012. I’m ready […]

I was thinking this weekend about what a good year 2011 was for me. It was my first full year consulting, I took a month off to travel, I grew creatively and professionally. But then I remembered how many big challenges I faced last year – from too heavy a client load at times, to

Lately, I’ve felt that the standard online retail model – of having a virtual store open year round, of constantly adding new items to generate interest – is becoming stale for me. My collections take me increasingly long to develop, and I’m moving towards more limited-edition work. So, I thought, why not have a limited-edition

Because my birthday falls in December, I think of it as the start of my new year. Around that time, I begin to think about what I want to bring into my life in the upcoming year (I won’t frighten you with the New Age-y details, but incense, candles and flower offerings *may* be involved).

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