I’d wanted to do a big project in 2013, but then I remembered that I’m already planning to move, and I’m starting a business. So, instead, I’m launching a little project for just one month: A Drawing a Day. Every day, I’ll post a new drawing. There are no rules – I just need to […]

Jake died on December 20th. He died at time of big changes in my life – move, career transition, start of a new business, start of my late 30s. I’ve already said “farewell” to my childhood home and my sweet dog; soon, I’ll probably see my 95-year-old Grammy’s death. This year has been hard. I

I put Jake to sleep this morning. He entered my life on October 22, 2005 and left it on December 20, 2012. Rest in Peace, Julius Caesar “Jake” Hewett.

If you were to ask me what work I’m proudest of, I wouldn’t point to my prints or textiles, but would tell you that my biggest accomplishment was overcoming the anxiety that had plagued me for most of my life. When I was 30, I realized I didn’t have to be deathly afraid of making

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