Week 1! One and two-color foam stamp prints on cotton canvas. I’ll write more on the foam stamp print method in the future. More about the project here.

I’d hinted at a new project for this year, and here it is: 52 Weeks of Printmaking. Every Monday from now until the end of the year, I’ll post a new print that I’ve made, from simple, one-color block prints, to more complex, multicolored work. I’ll be working on fabric, paper, wood, and anything else

2013 surprised me. The surprises were diverse – I happily ditched a move I’d been planning for over six months, I had one problem after another with my Kickstarter bags, my consulting hours decreased and my art income increased – but it wasn’t until November, when I was at West Coast Craft, that the enormity

Christmas orders took me completely by surprise this year. I suspected that I’d sell a lot, but I really had no clue just how much. Forty-nine (49!) calendars, countless foldover clutches and mini tote bags later, I am almost out of stock. And for that I am grateful. The last day to place orders for