Week 28: three-color block prints on linen. I couldn’t decide between these two prints, so I’m giving you both. One actually includes a block from a previous week, so it only half counts. Yeah. I’m giving you 1.5 prints this week. I’d fully intended to sew both of these into bags, but then I remembered […]

My creative process: feel antsy, sit down to create, make ugly work, feel blah, make more ugly work, still feel blah, keep at it, finally make something pretty good. I’m at that first “feel blah” stage. Aside from my weekly print, I haven’t spent much time in my studio the past few weeks, and I

  Week 27: Two-color block print on linen. July gloom has set in in my neck of San Francisco, so I’m hoping this week’s print – wisteria! – will put me back into a summer state of mind.  

By popular request, I’ll be teaching another block printing class this summer, at Handcraft Studio School in Emeryville on July 26th. This class is perfect for all of you who have been asking me to teach in the East Bay (hint, hint). More details about the class are here. I’ve had so much fun teaching