My mom kept walking in and out of my room this morning while I was sewing these lavender sachets. Finally, she said “I could really use some of these sachets for the linen closet.” Which cracked me up – my mom is so rarely direct about what she wants. I told her that she could […]

When I was in college, I spent six months studying in Paris. When my parents, who had never been to Europe until then, visited me, my mom exclaimed “This city looks like a movie!” Which it does. My dad, a photographer, spent his week in Paris photographing all the doors on my tiny street. I’m

Trying to change my photo styling a bit, I pulled a little table I’d found on the street out of the closet and used it as a prop. And because I was too lazy – um, busy – yesterday to return the table to its storage place, I left it out. And I like it

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