
Blue Mosque ceiling  The act of taking photos is so different when you’re an artist looking for inspiration, rather than a tourist hitting every required destination. Because my dad is a professional photographer, and my mom is a Filipina of a certain generation, childhood vacations became one, big photo opportunity. As kids, my brother and […]

Late-summer lilacs in LA! I’m leaving for my creative excursion (aka 1-month trip to Istanbul, Brussels and London) tonight, and wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who has made this happen. Thank you, everyone who purchased art from me, without seeing it first! Steph, Stef, Eva, Sian, Christine, Christine, Sami and Bjorn, Queenie,

I’m writing a brief post this week because I’m officially on vacation now!* Check out the guest post on When I Grow Up Coach about how I manage my consulting and art lives (and still manage to have a life) by, well, managing less. Check out the post here. *I’ll still be posting, but will

 While cleaning my apartment before my September subletters arrive, I found the journal I kept my junior year in college. That was the year I went to Paris, and on one of the early pages, I came across illustrations of my intended Parisian wardrobe (and, OMG, a bodysuit – remember those? – and a denim

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