
I find money on the street. Like, all the time. Sometimes I find a dollar or two, other times I find entire wallets or people’s paychecks (both of which I always return). For one, six-week stretch, I found $11 three different times, and each time in a different denomination. On vacation in Rome a couple […]

“Life is like topography, Hobbes. There are summits of happiness and success, flat stretches of boring routine and valleys of frustration and failure.” – Bill Watterston Happy Friday!

People occasionally ask me for advice on getting started as an entrepreneur or an artist. I love talking to them. Most are confident and energetic. They know the risks, they’re okay with the thought that they might fail. Most of them are ready to go and just want a little encouragement. But I’ve also met

When I was in college (go Bears!), the hills above the university would erupt in daffodils sometime in March. Soon after, sororities would host their “Daffodil Days” spring fundraiser, selling bunches of the flowers on Sproul Plaza to raise money for charities. I think most everyone associates daffodils with spring; these cheery flowers also remind

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