
I had a crafting accident yesterday, which merited a trip to the ER. The sunniest, nicest day of the weekend, and I end up spending it in a hospital. Anyway, all is fine now, but I wasn’t able to finish any of my projects. I’m sure I’ll be able to find something else to post […]

Suddenly, my blog traffic increased by zillion percent. Well, ok, it increased about sevenfold – but that’s still a huge jump. So, welcome readers from homemade by jill, and Peapod Journal (hi, Yoshko!). Hope you’ll continue to stop by!

My dad is the archivist for my parents’ neighborhood association. One of his neighbors brought him a photo (above) of what the neighborhood eyesore looked like 100 years ago. Beautiful, isn’t it? Well, here’s what it looks like now: photo courtesy of Rob Hewett My dad says that when he was a kid, many of

You’ve probably noticed that I’ve been quite a prolific crafter lately. There’s a reason for that. I decided back in June (when, not incoincidentally, the number of my blog posts started to increase) that I was going to take a year to explore all kinds of different creative endeavors. I would work on whatever captured

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