It’s a demon chihuahua! He looks like Jake – and in true demon doggy style, he’s left a little pile of poo (which, I’m assuming, he’s refused to pick up). How fitting that this piece of evil canine art was found in Fort Funston…
After four months in the cone of shame, bi-weekly visits to the veterinary ophthalmologist, and one 60-hour stint of hourly eye drops, Jake is finally cone-free. I am happy he’s better; he’s just happy he can lick himself again. He seems so much smaller sans cone. Well, physically smaller. He still has a big personality.
While I’m hard at work, on my feet for hours pulling prints, this guy is sound asleep and dreaming. I don’t know where the expression “work like a dog” comes from – last time I checked, it didn’t mean “nap with abandon.” Randomness (I’m really enjoying making this section):-An aptly-named new-to-me blog.-I’m selling at Doe