
Nostalgic images of the Dutch must have been popular 50 or so years ago, because I’ve started noticing vintage items adorned with Dutch boys and girls – or with windmills – everywhere lately. I found this sweet little envelope-style cross-stitched bag recently and have just added it to my vintage etsy store. I shipped out […]

I printed my flowers and squigglies notebooks in a brown and green colorway. The green of these notebooks is so vibrant. The best way to describe the green is Midori. Mmm… a Midori sour. I’m working on the tea towel layout. I may print on some plain canvas, too. Then I can sew aprons and

My neighborhood’s new farmers market opened today. Who knew we needed a farmers market? But, oh, we definitely did. It was packed. Farmers were happy (though I fear we may soon run out of farmers to stock all these San Francisco farmers markets). I bought two bunches of sweet peas (for only $3/bunch). I’ve lived

Doilies have been appearing in my life like crazy these past few weeks. It all started with a few doily books, then a collection of vintage doilies purchased at a neighbor’s yard sale. And now, I have three vintage plastic doilies made by Tupperware. I bought these for myself – they’re the inspiration for a

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