
Last Sunday, I hosted a kitchen equipment swap – inspired by a similar event run by 18 Reasons – at the Inner Sunset Farmers Market. I’d thought this would be a great way to give the market a more neighborhood feel – neighbors sharing their resources with each other. I’d originally envisioned the swap as

This is what $7.16 of chocolate bought at the mall after watching “Julie and Julia” looks like. It was delicious, but $7.16? Well, at least I did my part to stimulate the economy. And now I feel a chocolate-making binge coming on.

I can’t believe I haven’t posted these photos. I took them last month, on a rare, gorgeous, July day (if you’ve ever been in San Francisco in July, you’ll know what I mean). I had cabin fever and set out on a short ride through the park to get a cafe au lait, and somewhere

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