I don’t know how many times I’ve seen this movie. It never gets old – and neither does its soundtrack. If you haven’t seen it yet, rent it. It’s a wonderful little movie about loneliness, getting unstuck, and making music.
I find money on the street. Like, all the time. Sometimes I find a dollar or two, other times I find entire wallets or people’s paychecks (both of which I always return). For one, six-week stretch, I found $11 three different times, and each time in a different denomination. On vacation in Rome a couple
People occasionally ask me for advice on getting started as an entrepreneur or an artist. I love talking to them. Most are confident and energetic. They know the risks, they’re okay with the thought that they might fail. Most of them are ready to go and just want a little encouragement. But I’ve also met
This has been making the blog rounds, but it’s still worth repeating. Ira Glass (of This American Life) talks about storytelling – but, moreover, he talks about the creative process (and about accepting being crappy at you want to do at first, but practicing until you become great). It’s fantastic (and not just because I