
I’m getting really excited about new ideas, a new direction. I still feel a little unfocused, but it’s good for me to be a little lost every once in a while.

    It seems that drawing in the park is becoming a weekly ritual for me. It’s so good – I’m getting some external visual inspiration, rather than just drawing on my own ideas. The weather suddenly turned cold this weekend, so I packed a blanket and a thermos of coffee and parked myself next

I’m trying to get out of my head and instead draw what I see. It’s harder than you’d think, but with Golden Gate Park just a few blocks from my place, inspiration isn’t too far away. Also, I like the Hipstamatic App on my iPhone waaaay too much.

The changing of the seasons always has an effect on me. For some reason, I feel the changes most acutely when winter turns to spring and summer turns to fall. These transitions seem so much grander to me than the quick shift from autumn to winter or the transition from mild spring to the dreary,

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