The design gods must have decided that chevron prints were going to be hot this year because I’ve suddenly started to see them everywhere. I’ve had a vintage, pleated chevron skirt for years and get compliments every time I wear it (including from the snobby, fashion company girls who worked upstairs from my old office). […]

I had a bit of a sewing frenzy last night and ended up making a zippered pouch using one of my pocket squares misprints. Now I want to sew them in red and purple. I foresee many misprinted pocket squares in my future… I’ll probably add them to my etsy shop when I add the

I finished all three colors of my first pocket squares print this week. I haven’t actually sewn the pocket squares yet – the top thread tension on my sewing machine is off (yes, it’s a new machine, but I think this problem is mine and not the machine’s) – but I’ll probably hand sew a

Bulb flowers are here. The flower stand at the farmers’ market has tulips, and the paperwhites my friend Christine gave me for my birthday just started to bloom. When anemones and ranunculus start to appear, I’ll know spring is almost here.

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