I can’t believe that 2012 is almost half over. I feel like the year has been a whirlwind so far. I sometimes (okay, often) worry that time is slipping through my fingers, and that I have very little to show for all my franticness and work.
And yet, my first-ever show opens tonight. It’s something I’ve wanted for a while, and is on my secret list of goals for 2012. This all is forcing me to take a step back and think about the past five months. My word for the year was “focus.” I wanted to cut out all the extraneous activities that claim my time so that I could spend my time on the things that matter most to me. I admit that it’s been a struggle – getting my client workload to a manageable level is still a challenge – but I also know that focusing has made me able to create the work for my first show.

My other goals – and where I am in my progress:
- Have a consistent client income. I’m there. I have two regular clients (down from four at this time last year) and am financially quite stable. Now I just need to get my workload under control!
- Experiment more. Yeah. I took a workshop at Teahouse in February and it changed my life. The work in my show was directly based on my experience in this workshop.
- Apply for a textile design apprenticeship. My application is due July 15th. I started working on my application and portfolio immediately after I finished the collages for my show.
- Create a website that is a central home for all my work. This will happen in the fall.
- Create collections for 3-4 online pop-up stores. I’ve done two so far. The third will be in the late fall and will be directly to #6, below.
- Launch a new project later this spring. Yeah, so that’s been pushed out to the late summer or early fall. It’s directly related to my portfolio, but it will take time. It will most definitely be really awesome. I will ask for your help to make it happen.
I’m taking this weekend off. No printing, no collaging, probably no sewing. Jake and I are going to hop in my car and go on a roadtrip. I have no idea where we’re going – it’s impromptu! I need a little break.
Happy June! So excited about all this movement. Thanks for being a part of it.