I am so grateful.
Let me back up.
Almost a year ago, I started thinking about taking some time off to travel to Istanbul. I had no clue how I was going to make it happen, but I figured the trip would work itself out.
Then I decided to fund the trip through a combination of savings from my consulting work and sales of my art. My consulting business thrived, but my art sales were slow. And after a horrible summer show season, I wasn’t sure I could afford the trip.
I bought my plane tickets and rented an apartment in Istanbul anyway.
Last week, an idea I’d had months ago came back to me. I’d thought about getting sponsors for my trip, asking my friends and family to pre-buy a yet-to-be-made original illustration from my trip or a print inspired by my travels. I sent the email, nervous that my friends would think I was rude to ask them to help me fund my trip (most of them don’t have the luxury of being able to take a month off) and my family would wonder what I was doing that I couldn’t afford to pay for my vacation myself. I thought that, if I was lucky, I might get a couple of sponsors (namely, my parents).
Instead, I got ten. In two days. When the first pledge came in – from one of my best friends – I was excited. But when more pledges came in – from people I don’t see on a regular basis – I was floored. I got lovely messages from people who aren’t able to pledge right now, but who wanted to tell me that they were so excited for me. And I spent my weekend amazed that there are so many people who believe in me and in my work.
I am so grateful.
If you would like to sponsor me, you can do so here. And even if you can’t – or won’t – know that I am thankful that you care enough about what I have to say and what I create that you’re reading this.
I promise to pay all this goodwill forward.