Lemons were a dollar for a dozen at my greengrocer today. Since I don’t have any vodka, I made lemonade. Crazy busy day. Now I’m relaxing with a glass of lemonade and the August issue of Elle Decoration (French version!). Big things are happening tomorrow, and I’ll need all the rest I can get. I’m […]

I sent a large, wholesale order to the UK on Monday. Now I’m working on new prints (and hope to have something new to show you all on Friday). And I’ll be participating in Poppytalk Handmade starting on Saturday. Busy, busy…

Back in January, a very wise friend suggested that I read (and follow) The Artist’s Way. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this book (as I was in January), it’s a twelve-step program that helps you discover and recover your inner artist. Yes, it sounds New Age. Partly because it is. But I’m

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