This post was originally a newsletter piece. I received so much feedback that I thought I’d share it on my blog.
After last week’s election, I didn’t know if I’d be up to writing or blogging this week. While the results of the election aren’t completely a shock to me – as a woman of color, I’ve had more than a few racist and sexist comments directed toward me (both in person and online) in my lifetime, with no lasting repercussions for the men who’ve insulted me – they’ve still left me depressed and angry.
My friends here in the Bay Area have said that they’re glad we live in a bubble – the most liberal region in the most liberal state in the country. When I gathered some of these friends in my studio to chat and craft on Sunday, I noticed how diverse of a group we are. Some of us were born in Hong Kong, Australia or Saudi Arabia. Others were born in California, Minnesota, Wisconsin. Some are gay (and married); others are straight (and single). We are artists and writers, research scientists, public school teachers, corporate managers. We are Christian, Muslim, agnostic, atheist. Some of us are first-generation American born. Others are descendants of slaves, with families that have been in the US for at least five generations. Some of our parents (mine included) worked in factories and were union members, while others have parents who worked in fancy offices or who were religious leaders. And despite all of our differences, we all care about each other.
So no, this is not a bubble. This is the world in all of its diversity and open-mindedness and generosity. I refuse to watch it be undone by someone who preaches scarcity and fear and exclusion.
I have followers from all over, and I realize that not everyone has the same political beliefs I do. And if you don’t want to hear anything about my politics, that’s fine. You don’t have to read my blog, or subscribe to my newsletter, or follow me on social media. But I will say this: I’ve learned the most from regularly interacting – respectfully – with people who are not like me. They have shown me the world.
And on that note, I’m getting back to work. There is so much work still to be done.